Hollister Happenings

Monday, December 22, 2008

Arctic Blast

We live at the top of a hill that has become a very popular spot with all of the snow, even the snowboarders have strapped on their boards for a run down the hill. The hill is actually steepest right in our front yard, one morning we found a bunch of kids lining up right at our front door to sled down the hill in our yard. We were a bit surprised at first but we saw how much fun they were having and so we let them continue.

We had my family over for the evening, the kids played outside until they were frozen and then came in for chili and cornbread. After dinner everyone settled down for some knitting with the knifty knitters.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Fabulous Friday

We have had the threat of snow all week but the first storm hit just to the south and the next storm hit to the north, we got a little here and there and even missed school yesterday but the snowfall was disappointing. Finally today we woke up to a blanket of white. We slept in a little and then started a very busy day.

The snow was quickly melting away and we had word that Grandma and Grandpa had loads of snow so we packed up our snow gear and headed north for the day.

The kids worked to make the sledding hill perfect

Magen caught some air on this trip down the hill

Grandma made cookies and loved having kids, grandkids and snow, a perfect day

Rachel and Ryan take a break to warm up with some hot chocolate in magical snowman mugs whose cheeks turn pink when they are warm.

After our day in the snow we ate a quick dinner and went to see the Christmas boats on the river, we were a little late and only saw the last few.

The highlight of our big day was going to the hospital to visit the newest member of the family born just this morning! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ADDISON

As if that wasn't enough we found ourselves at an indoor soccer game at 9:00p.m. to watch my sister play. Finally we made a quick stop at the grocery store for banana split ingredients and headed home.

It's midnight and I'm tired but grateful for all of the great memories made today.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Salmon Release

Mackenzie's forth grade class has a big fish tank with salmon in it. They needed to release the salmon that were in the tank so they could be ready for eggs in January. We had volunteered earlier in the year to take the salmon down to Salmon Creek before Christmas but we had no idea we would be doing it in the snow. The weather may not get any better before Christmas break so we decided we should get it done.
We saw a flock of geese, maybe their migration was hampered by the weather.

After walking down the steep, snowy bank Mackenzie released the little 5 inch salmon into the creek.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Let it Snow!

Snow in our part of the world is an interesting phenomenon. When snow is in the forecast there is great anticipation because when it snows everything stops. I came to live in this area when I was very young and so long ago I accepted that this is what happens when it snows. When people move here from snowy places they are surprised by the frenzy caused by snow. As soon as flakes start flying the local news channels go to continuing/extended coverage and begin showing the ravaging effects of the snow on our community. Car accidents, abandoned cars, and injured people. Just the threat of snow has prompted schools to be cancelled. The mayor of Portland even asked non-essential employees to stay home or come in late. (How does it feel to be a non-essential employee?)

We offer a few excuses for our perceived overreaction.

-Our snowfall is usually the wet variety, thus very slippery.
-We don't get much snow so we don't really get the opportunity to learn how to navigate in it
-An unscheduled day off of school is so much fun, even if you have to make it up at the end of the year.

Right now we are experiencing very cold temperatures and snow is expected tomorrow. We are all really excited to see what happens. Will there be school? How long will we be snowed in? Do we have enough food? Stay tuned as "Winter Storm 2008" falls upon the Valley.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Move over Martha Stewart

I came home one afternoon to find Magen and her friend Katy putting the finishing touches on this cute little snowman cake. I think it turned out so great. They even made a tiny bit of orange frosting for the nose. Magen took the cake to school the next day and shared it with friends; a few teachers even got a taste.

P.S. They used the Demarle imagination mold for the cake. We love Demarle !

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Decorating the Tree

Our carefully selected tree is beautiful, it stands up straight and tall and looks great. Now that the kids are older the decorating goes very fast. Once the lights are on the ornaments only take a few minutes to place and the whole event is over. Our tree decorating ritual is shrinking into a quick task sandwiched between basketball games and homework. Well atleast Brindle took some time to enjoy it.
Brindle has found that she really likes the tree skirt. She pulls it out from under the tree and snuggles up.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

The search for a Christmas tree is a tradition that some of us enjoy more than others. I, for example enjoy the warmth and comfort of my home. I would be happy with just about any green tree that will stay upright. Steve on the other hand wants to examine each and every tree on the farm and then try to remember where the BEST ones were and then go back to compare each of them before finally choosing the TREE. Our kids tend to follow in their father's footsteps and of course none of them agree on which tree is the ONE.

We were fortunate to have a crisp clear day for our search.

Steve explains the fine art of Christmas tree selection

We looked..... And Looked

It was getting dark (Can you see the moon?)

And we Looked

Finally, after some debate THE TREE was selected and we were on our way.

Actually, this was one of the fastest Christmas tree excursions we have had and the great weather made it a very enjoyable activity.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Books, lots of Books

For the past few months I have been making preparations to start the nursing program at Clark College in January. I have gotten shots, had criminal background checks done and filled out paper work. This week I got my schedule and bought my books.
The parking at the college is horrible and I had parked quite a distance away. When I stacked the books on the counter to check out the clerk asked me how I intended to get all of these books to my car.
I had been more concerned about paying for the books and hadn't really thought about transporting them I guess I should have taken a wagon with me.
Thankfully she told me that I could pull my car into the shipping and receiving dock..
I still have a few more books to buy but the good news is that these are the books that will get me through most of the program.
Now for a good rolling backpack......