Hollister Happenings

Saturday, November 2, 2013

After the ward split, we had to recharter a new scout troop. Recently, the scout troop held their first Court of Honor. There were many awards presented to a host of youth.  Ryan received six merit badges and his STAR rank!   Ryan is seen here with Scoutmaster Howell, presenting the award to him.

Here is Ryan with a couple of others in his patrol - of course Ryan is the showman of the group! That's our boy!

The entire troop reciting the Scout Oath & Law

Magen was invited by the high school Occupational Health teacher, who also is the schools Athletic Trainer, to participate as one of the student trainers for the football team.  Being a big football fan (and fan of cute, strong boys,,,ha) this was the perfect fit for her.
She had been a manager of both the football and boys basketball teams in Washington state as a sophomore at Columbia River high a well.  Not only does she have fun, but the entire family
enjoys the chance to go watch football and see our Magen out there working the sidelines.  She helps tape the players up, strap bags of ice to their injured body parts and provides them water and towels when needed.  She knows the game well and provides detailed play-by-play reports after the game with injury updates and  emotional post game sediments.  She's a school spirit queen!
Here's Magen at work during a home football game.