Sunday, March 21, 2010
Spring Gardening
We've had a few really nice days this past week which provided a great opportunity to get our garden ready for planting.
We added some soil and manure. In a few weeks we will start planting.
I can hardly wait for the harvest.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Where is Ryan?
It was a busy Saturday at the Hollister home. The dishwasher was humming, toilets and tubs were being scrubbed and clothes were being washed, dried and folded. I came downstairs for a little break from my marathon cleaning sesssion and found the house unusually quiet. Magen was in her room doing some deep cleaning and Mackenzie had gone to lunch with some friends. I found Steve in the garage, on the phone, but no Ryan. I went back upstairs hoping to find him cleaning his bedroom but he wasn't there. I thought maybe he had gone out to play with a friend so I went back to the garage to ask Steve if he had seen him.
"He's out on the back porch" was Steve's reply.
This is what I found.....

"He's out on the back porch" was Steve's reply.
This is what I found.....
This made me smile. This is exactly my most favorite spot to sit on a warm sunny day. I take my book out and soak up the warmth of the sun. I love to read and I am happy to see that my little guy seems to enjoy it as well.