Hollister Happenings

Thursday, January 29, 2009

On January 5th, the date of my last blog post, I started nursing school. The past month has been a roller coaster. Everyone has been great about helping out with extra responsiblities. Steve has made an effort to be in town on the days that I need to leave early so he can help the kids get ready for school. Everyone is learning that if they want to wear clean clothes they need to wash them. I am learning to function on less sleep. I am learning great things and especially love the skills. We have been learning about medications and injections and I had the opportunity to give a fellow student a shot this past week (I got one too). So if you need an injection you know where to come:)

I also get to spend one day a week in a rehabilitation center with patients who are mostly elderly and recovering from heart attacks, strokes and falls (broken bones) I am surprised by how much I enjoy this population. When I think about the lives that they have lived and the contributions they have made to society I feel an intense responsibilityto make sure that they are comfortable while they are recovering.

All in all this experience has been intense but rewarding so far. It is definitely a juggling act but with the support of family and friends I know that it will all be worth it.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Back to School

The alarm went off way too early and after checking for school closures (It snowed last night) I began the wake up routine. Magen has basketball practice at 7:00 and so she is first to get up at 6:00. While she gets ready I start making lunches and then wake Cameron up so that Steve can drop him off at school on the way to work. Finally Mackenzie and Ryan get the wake up call at 7:00. It is now 8:00 and everyone is gone, the vacation is officially over.

I briefly contemplated a morning run but the roads are still really slushy (I am a fair weather runner). Instead I decided to write a few words before I head out for my first day of nursing school. This is the day that I have been working towards for three years. I am very excited and a bit nervous, at an orientation several weeks ago the first quarter of the program was compared to boot camp, ouch! Despite that I am ready to get started.

My goal for the new year is to maintain balance. I have a tendency to get tunnel vision when it comes to school. I know the program will be challenging but I want it to be as enjoyable as possible not only for me but for my family. I will do my best to take care of myself physically, spiritually and emotionally. I will try to exercise often, read my scriptures daily and above all spend time enjoying my family.